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Initializes a Sapphire/Web-generated CGI with argc and argv of Main.


#include "SaRnHtml.h"
int SaInitClient(int* argc, char* argv[]);


The address of argc from Main.
The argv array from Main.

Return Values

Returns 0.


Initializes a Sapphire/Web-generated CGI with argc and argv of main. Sapphire/Web recognizes a limited number of argc, argv combinations. To read a debug file of form "element name/values" pass:

cginame -debug DebugFileName
To call a function bound to an Anchor element use something like:

cginame FNC=MyAnch__Amy_html
This one argument is contained in the calling HREF of the Anchor after the "?".

If neither of these cases are present, the CGI examines the environment variable "QUERY_STRING", processing the input as an Anchor. Finally, the CGI looks for form elements in its standard input.

Note: Calls dealing with input arguments should not be made before this call is made (i.e. Don't make argument calls in the Project Code's "main function initial code" section.). SaInitClient should be made before calls dealing with input arguments, not the Main's initial code section.


SaInitClient(&argc, argv);

Note: This call is generated automatically by Sapphire/Web in the Main C file for all cgi executables.

See Also

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